作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在设计

Sara是一位创新的设计领导者,已经推动了100多家跨国公司的发展, 主要是在金融领域.



在支配我们职业生涯的所有力量中,没有比领导力更容易被误解的了. 这是一个被过度使用、不发达的概念. We visualize leaders somewhere on a spectrum between Lee Iacocca and Dilbert’s 见识短浅的 老板. The middle ground is a mishmash of unrealistic characterizations and expectations.

对于许多设计人员来说, 特征 一个好领导的标准是不明确的, 基于当时的印象,受与领导力无关的假设的影响. Without knowing what healthy leadership looks like, 设计师 and leaders are susceptible to relational dynamics that perpetuate discord.

改变的第一步是意识. 通常情况下,这很简单,就像把每个人都能感觉到但没有人能表达出来的语言放在一个范例中一样. Thankfully, there are distinct leadership styles that have been defined by 广泛的研究. 我们从设计界的独特视角审视了每一个人,得出了六个领导人物.

1. 强制性的:福音传道者

设计 evangelists are brimming with knowledge. 他们有坚定的信念 关于设计 issues and preach their beliefs to audiences of every size. Their zeal drives the industry forward and inspires the broader design 社区. In organizations where design is overlooked, 传道者通过向最热心的反对者倡导设计的价值来点燃变革.

When evangelistic fervor burns too brightly, passion becomes oppressive. 热情变成攻击性. Here, flexibility and discernment give way to arrogance and ultimatums: 不听我的就滚蛋. 对于中高级设计师来说,不受欢迎的布道者尤其成问题, 经验丰富的专业人士,他们宝贵的见解被福音传教士强大的个性所践踏.

Of 所有的设计 leadership styles, evangelists hold the highest dual potential for good and harm. 需要谨慎. 福音派领袖可以通过促进与员工的开放沟通和寻求上级的关系责任来缓和他们的强度.


2. 权威:有远见的人

作为设计师, 我们学会了放大和缩小——在后退以获得更广阔的视野之前接近设计问题. 远见者擅长宏观, 大局, and have a knack for plotting a course from problem to solution.

与福音传道者不同,梦想家邀请别人来回答这个问题:“我们如何到达那里??” Not that visionaries default to democratic decision-making. 他们包括激励,因为他们明白执行他们的计划需要支持. 除了全局思维,远见者还为他们的团队定义目标和质量标准. 这带来了清晰度和结构,这两者都使设计师能够做出决策和创新.

当梦想家的计划脱离了可能或相关的东西时,他们就偏离了方向. This is a form of creative overindulgence, 虽然它可能会产生有趣的想法, 那些在不切实际的幻想家指导下的人很快就会失望和困惑. When visionaries are infatuated with their own ideas, they risk losing the ability to provide actionable guidance to their teams.


3. 附属的:伙伴

设计 buddies land leadership roles thanks to their lengthy resumes, but they have little in the way of real leadership experience. Buddies closely identify with the day-to-day mindset of staff 设计师, 所以当他们成为领导者, they act more like peers than authority figures.

Above all, buddies advocate for their teams. 以人为本,设计师个人享有高度的自由. 因为兄弟是平等的, the 设计师 they lead feel safe to share their thoughts, 合作蓬勃发展. 设计 buddies work hard to maintain positive team vibes, and they’re rewarded with motivated workers.

由于他们对设计师的忠诚,伙伴们很容易忽视其他部门的需求. 设计伙伴在处理糟糕的表现和人际冲突时也会遇到困难. 太频繁, 好朋友强调积极的反馈,却不能向下属展示他们如何改进.

朋友可能会被认为缺乏做出艰难人事决定的权力. 不幸的是, 伙伴之间的点对点方式会导致公然的不尊重和同志情谊的破裂.


4. 民主党人:拿选票的人

设计 supplies a never-ending stream of decisions. Some are monumental, and others occur so instinctively that they go unnoticed. 民主党领导人高度重视设计决策,并尽最大努力确保每个人都能表达自己的观点.

Those under democratic leadership feel included and valued. 民主派领导人促成的决策往往会坚持下去,因为它们代表了团队的普遍态度.

In the design world, voting on every decision inhibits speed. Seemingly simple choices become painful, deliberative affairs. 当设计师被反复要求参与一些无关紧要的话题时,他们会感到沮丧. 当民主领导人为了掩盖优柔寡断而寻求选票的事实变得很明显时,事情就变得更糟了.

在任何情况下,民主都有其局限性. 民主党领导人必须学会保护他们的团队不受阻碍生产力和威胁工作满意度的问题的影响.


5. 树立榜样:像素英雄

Some 设计师 rise through the ranks on the wings of technical wizardry. 他们的技能是无与伦比的,他们的精确度是无与伦比的,所有看到他们工作的人都惊叹不已. 当这些像素英雄被分配领导角色时,他们对质量的痴迷并没有减少. 事实上, 将团队的技能提升到自己的水平成为像素英雄的任务.

设计师 under the leadership of pixel heroes tend to admire them, so they push themselves to be more like their 老板es. 在设计部门之外,像素英雄因其高水平的工作而受到尊重.

Unfortunately, design expertise doesn’t equal effective leadership. Pixel heroes tend to fixate on quality while overlooking the needs of their teams. When work doesn’t match their standards, pixel heroes micromanage. 这破坏了信任,让设计师试图避免失败,而不是努力做到最好. 随之而来的是士气低落和精疲力竭.

如果像素英雄学习同理心的管理风格,他们可以成为有效的领导者. 经常, 这意味着像素英雄必须愿意向设计师展示他们对自己的职业发展和个人成就的投入.


6. 教练:导师

杰克•韦尔奇, the legendary CEO of General Electric’s golden era, 曾经说过, “在你成为领导者之前, 成功就是自我成长. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” In other words, leadership has little to do with leaders. 重要的是他们领导的人. 他们的问题是什么?? 他们的动机是什么?? 如何为他们提供最好的服务?

Those fitting the mentor profile wholeheartedly adhere to this line of thinking. Their highest aim as leaders is developing people. 沟通是开放和持续的,他们的团队气氛通常是积极的. Mentors excel at providing thoughtful and direct feedback. 他们的团队很欣赏这一点,他们感到得到了支持,但也有了工作的标准. As leaders, mentors are particularly well received by 远程团队.

对导师来说,事情并不都是美好的. On teams comprised of mostly senior 设计师, constant feedback and guidance may be seen as an interruption. 组织契合度是关键. Mentors focus on the holistic development of those they lead. 提倡数据驱动或结果导向文化的公司(或高管)可能很难看到导师领导风格的价值.

Before you are a leader, 成功就是自我成长. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. 杰克•韦尔奇, former CEO of General Electric



在文学, 许多我们最喜欢的主角都发现自己在最大的潜能上摇摇欲坠. It’s the essential nature of internal conflict. Will amoral qualities be harnessed for good or slide into darkness? 设计领导者也是如此. Will their inherent skills help teams thrive or cause them to disintegrate?

设计的领导人 should strive for self-awareness and seek support for their weaknesses. 明智的做法是,在设计主管的能力变得霸道时,让他们提供诚实的反馈. 最终, 最好的领导人 是否全面发展,能够为了团队的利益在多种领导风格之间转换.


  • 我怎样才能成为一名优秀的设计主管?

    领导和设计中最重要的品质之一是愿意倾听. 设计领先s don’t simply hand out instructions to their team members, 他们必须了解进程阻塞, 资源需求, 人际关系困难. The best way to accomplish this is through active listening.

  • 设计主管是做什么的?

    The head of design is a design team leader and advocate. 在很多公司, this role helps establish and maintain creative vision, 监督项目进度和预算, 管理和指导设计师, and relates design activities and initiatives to other departments.

  • 什么是设计导购?

    A design lead oversees a team of 设计师 within an organization. 设计领先s come from a variety of design backgrounds. 他们可能领导非常具体的团队, 比如用户体验团队, 或者他们负责的设计师可能代表了一系列的设计学科和专业.

  • 成为设计主管意味着什么?

    有许多设计领导角色. 设计主管管理来自不同设计背景和学科的设计师团队. 在大多数公司, design leads are responsible for developing the 设计师 under their charge, 保持设计质量, and advocating the value of design to other departments.



验证专家 在设计




Sara是一位创新的设计领导者,已经推动了100多家跨国公司的发展, 主要是在金融领域.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.




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